
(L to R) Zoe Foster and Anne Stires with Board Chair, Willard Morgan
Juniper Hill School is the Maine Environmental Education Association's 2013 School of the Year.
Anne accepted the award on behalf of the entire Juniper Hill community. Following the award ceremony, Anne was one of the Keynote Panel speakers at the Maine Environmental Education Association's Annual Conference held on Friday, March 22.)
Juniper Hill school was in Parents magazine!
Juniper Hill School was excited to be included in the May/June 2013 issue of Parents Magazine in an article, in the Thrive 2025 section, by Leslie Garisto Pfaff entitled "Raising a Nature Lover".
Anne accepted the award on behalf of the entire Juniper Hill community. Following the award ceremony, Anne was one of the Keynote Panel speakers at the Maine Environmental Education Association's Annual Conference held on Friday, March 22.)
Juniper Hill school was in Parents magazine!
Juniper Hill School was excited to be included in the May/June 2013 issue of Parents Magazine in an article, in the Thrive 2025 section, by Leslie Garisto Pfaff entitled "Raising a Nature Lover".

June 2013
Seeds Class Bridge Crossing Ceremony & Community Picnic (Last Day of School - Thursday, June 6)
This was our end of year celebration as we "crossed the bridge" either into the Roots Class or Summerland! This was a very special ceremony to end our year together. Afterwards, we gathered with the rest of the JHS school community to share a picnic.
May 2013
Lemonade and Cookie Social (Friday, May 31)
Students and teachers hosted a little mixer for 2013-14's new and returning families on the back lawn by the apple trees. It was a nice chance to get to know some of our new families before the summer and share Juniper Hill School with them.
"In Bloom: Promising Practices in Nature-Based Early Childhood" (Wednesday, May 15 at Antioch New England Institute, Keene, NH)
Anne Stires and Zoe Foster were featured presenters at this professional conference.
May Festival (Saturday, May 11)
We enjoyed lunch and music, a maypole, and activities as we welcomed spring together.
Whole School Community Work Day (Friday, May 10)
Projects included: swings in outdoor classrooms, creating outdoor classroom seating, sandbox construction, garden work, organizing outdoor play items, and play boat refurbishing. A pizza lunch was provided by the school.
Gratitude Tea (Wednesday, May 1)
Children in the Seeds classroom (pre-K and K) honored their parents and family friends with love and yummy treats at this special appreciation celebration.
April 2013
Baking Afternoon (Roots Class) (Thursday, April 25)
Roots’ parents enjoyed tea and samples of the yummy treats prepared by their children at the Wabi Sabi Cottage in Sheepscot Village.
March 2013:
Unlocking Festival & Annual Open House (Thursday, March 14, 3:00PM to 6:00PM)
Are you considering Juniper Hill for your child or would you just like to learn more about the school? Come join us for our Open House from 3:00PM to 4:00PM. Fee free to stay for out Unlocking Festival too. This is a seasonal celebration marking winter’s end and the return of spring. Please dress warmly as this is an outdoor event featuring craftmaking, a campfire dinner, and an owl walk. Cost: Free.
December 2012:
Celebration of the Season (Wednesday, December 19, 10:00AM - 12:00 Noon) - Join us at the Alna Firehouse for a warm and fun community event to celebrate the start of winter. Our students perform songs and poems and display their season-inspired artwork. Feast on a delicious lunch (compliments of our parent group) and make crafts with our kids. Cost: Free
October 2012:
School House Stomp (Friday October 12, 5:30PM - 8:00PM) - Contradance under the stars on the lovely lawn of the Juniper Hill School in Alna and help raise funds for school materials. Bring your own picnic at 5:30PM. Drinks and desserts! Cost: $10/family or $5/individual. (A Juniper Hill Family Group fundraiser.)
August 2012:
"Nature Pre-Schools and Forest Kindergartens: Why 21st Century Children Need Nature" (Monday, August 13th, 7:00PM) - A Juniper Hill School presentation and discussion at the Alna Firehouse (156 Alna Rd.) with David Sobel, Senior Faculty, Antioch University New England and author of Wild Play, Beyond Ecophobia and more.